/manager/Index en-au 5 Electrodynamic context of magnetopause dynamics observed by magnetospheric multiscale /manager/Repository/uon:29656 Wed 11 Apr 2018 11:45:46 AEST ]]> Comparison of predictive estimates of high-latitude electrodynamics with observations of global-scale Birkeland currents /manager/Repository/uon:31496 ITotal, and the distribution of radial current density, Jr, for all models are compared with AMPERE results. While the total currents are well correlated, the quantitative agreement varies considerably. The Jr distributions reveal discrepancies between the models and observations related to the latitude distribution, morphologies, and lack of nightside current systems in the models. The results motivate enhancing the simulations first by increasing the simulation resolution and then by examining the relative merits of implementing more sophisticated ionospheric conductance models, including ionospheric outflows or other omitted physical processes. Some aspects of the system, including substorm timing and location, may remain challenging to simulate, implying a continuing need for real-time specification.]]> Sat 24 Mar 2018 08:43:39 AEDT ]]>